As years of experience, we have contributed to the renewal and modernization of Estonian infrastructures.
Muuga Port Industrial Park Railway construction
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam Construction Period: April 2012 – December 2012 Construction Cost: 2 367 630 EUR (ex VAT) Capacity Information: Other Notes: …
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam
May 2012 - January 2013
Reconstruction of Virtsu Port, pier No. 4
The length of quay number 4 is 145 m, interconnection length is going to be 130 m and guaranteed deepness of the water is 5,2 m
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
April 2012 - October 2012
Reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants of Vinni municipality
The contract is about Vinni’s parish water management project- including the reconstruction design- build of waste water treatment plants
Client: Vinni Vallavalitsus
March 2012 - March 2013
Reconstruction of water and sewage pipelines and boreholes in Vinni Municipality
Client: Vinni Vallavalitsus Construction period: March 2012- March 2013 Construction cost: 1 092 370 EUR (ex VAT) Capacity information: Other notes:…
March 2012- March 2013
Reconstruction of the pumping stations and water treatment plants in the borough of Rakke
Client: Rakke Valla Kommunaalasutus Construction Period: February 2012- June 2013 Construction Cost: 1 729 020 EUR (ex VAT) Capacity Information: Other Notes: Joint…
Client: Rakke Valla Kommunaalasutus
February 2012- June 2013
General construction of the EstLink2 converter station
General construction works of convertor station
Client: Siemens Osakeyhtiö Eesti Filiaal
January 2012- August 2012
Design and construction of the Oisu biogas plant
The design and construction of biogas plant and CHP
Client: Oisu Biogaas
January 2012- December 2012
Constructions of Vinni CHP plant
Client: Vinni Biogaas
December 2011 - December 2012
Residual contamination liquidation in former military and indrustial areas
Jääkreostuse likvideerimistööde teostamine Miinisadama ja Süsta tn sadama territooriumidel.
Client: Keskkonnateabe keskus
Kevad 2011 - Sügis 2012
Upgrading the Tallinn – Tapa passenger platform to new standards
Projekt hõlmab endas ooteplatvorme, jalakäijate tunneleid ja rajatisi, mis paiknevad/hakkavad paiknema AS Edelaraudtee ja AS Elektriraudtee opereeritavas piirkonnas Tallinnas ja Harjumaal.
Client: AS EVR Infra
Mai 2010 - Detsember 2011
Construction phase I of the Port of Muuga / Roads and utility networks
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam Contract Period: May 2010 – November 2010 Construction Cost: 51 355 220 EEK / 3 282 197…
Suvi - Sügis 2020
Railway reconstruction
Road repair by means of installing reinforced concrete crossties – 16 000 m
Client: EVR Infra AS
October 2009 - May 2010